Description of Services / Products / Projects / Business cases

On their websites, companies present what they offer to customers.

Services of a technology company presuppose building on-demand solutions for customers by employing respective developers. 

When showing the company's services, we emphasize the benefits of its solutions to the target audience. An example of a service can be building large AI solutions for companies in healthcare, finance, or governance. 

Picture: AI in biology and new drug discovery

To better present a company's services, we will do the following:

  • study company's documentation
  • request a brief
  • or interview a representative

B2B content writing services for IT

A company's products represent its own platforms or software that they lease to customers. The marketing description of companies' products usually consists of 4 parts. 

  1. Information about what the product represents and what are its business values.
  2. Description of the problems and solutions that the product solves.
  3. Description of product competitive advantages.
  4. Examples of the product being used.

Examples of products can be different platforms and PaaS, that work with AI models for healthcare or e-commerce.

Projects show a prospect the process of how a company runs its projects. This gives them an understanding of what to expect from the company in case they decide to order. An example of a project can be an implementation of a CV + IoT system for an oil exploration company. 

Picture: Deep Learning in a large e-commerce platform 

Project descriptions can have different architecture, for example: 

  • Current issues of a customer as viewed by this customer.
  • Company's communication with the customer to get specifics of the problem.
  • Company's solution design and implementation.
  • Customer feedback on the implementation process and results. 
